I recently had the pleasure of working with the talented Richard Kavanagh, Vee Gulliver, Jason Tapuai-Kuka, and 3 great models at Kingsize Studios, Auckland in a quick fire fashion shoot for the Designer Direction “Discovered” competition. We had 3 collections to shoot and the first cab off the rank was Victoria Green – “Lone Wolf”, modelled...
New Zealand magazine Pulp have a photography competition every year that is open to anyone and attracts some great talent, I was hoping to be one of those lucky people this year. Along with my partner Jaime Leigh, our two awesome models Lauren and Nicola, and some MASSIVE woolly socks we threw together this little...
It’s been a time of change for me in the last few weeks, I moved out of the studio I had been renting for the past 9 months and the house I’ve been living in for over 2 years. I miss the studio and it was no easy decision to move on but after some...
Ok, so it’s a bad pun but a serious issue, reflections are hard to control especially on rounded objects such as wedding rings. I’m all for leaving my mark on my photographs, but being in them is not what I had in mind. Today’s lesson: Always check your images for reflections before you move on....
One of the main reasons I fell in love with my studio was the huge ceiling space. It was vaulted, had exposed beams and the monkey in me just wanted to build a cubby house up there. When I had the lamps on, the rafters would throw all kinds of great shadows around and turned...
As a photographer I come across many different types of people from those who hate the camera to those that can’t get enough, and with wedding photography it’s usually the former: Normal People who are camera shy. I have a very relaxed approach to my photography and prefer to make pictures around my subjects rather...
For the past few years of weddings I have always tried to give people the images they wanted, tried to work out what style they were after and deliver some great photographs. So it’s been awesome to have couples come to me lately and just tell me that they trust me and what I come...
Miriam and Greg (or Tigger to some) had the awesome experience of having their marriage performed by Miriam’s father. How much more personal can you get? To top it all off they had the ceremony in St Peter’s Church, which is a beautiful old wooden church on the corner of Willis and Ghuznee Streets in...
Becoming a wedding photographer was never something I had thought of doing, it just happened to me and I’m very glad it did as it’s one of the most meaningful and enjoyable careers I’ve had to date. Just being part of this special day for people I have not met previously is a great honour...
Wow, what a busy few weeks I’ve had here and I almost forgot to post some shots of my images in the newspaper! Thanks to the Wellington Circus Trust for getting the article in there, Tanya (The Magenta Diamond), Rowan and others for modelling and the Dominion Post.