Posts by AuthorBrett
Posts by AuthorBrett
Early in June I had the pleasure to work with Josie on a Sports themed shoot in my home town of Gosford, on the Central Coast of NSW in Australia. It was really quite cold and Josie handled it quite well, I kept her running around a bit and we did have to have a...
There is no nicer sound than rain on a metal surface, whether that’s a corrugated iron roof or the off-white painted exterior of a campervan; it’s the same in any language. Rugged up under the covers listening to the rain pelt down on our top-heavy little Britz van (with a missing Z so now it’s...
As the plane shuddered and slid sideways, I pulled my head upright from the headrest and looked around franticly for my shoes thinking “I’ll need these if we crash”. Then realising we were just landing in Perth I mumbled to myself “Lucky, I don’t have time to die”. Western Australia had never really held much...
Miss Eva Strangelove, a burlesque dancer from Wellington, joined Jaime Leigh and myself on a shoot in a very cool old apartment building in Cuba St one very rainy weekend. We raided Eva’s wardrobe and Jaime went to work her magic on the hair and make-up. The apartment building had some wonderful art-deco fixtures. After...
I met Sarah and Jeremy last year and they asked me to photograph their wedding, I was happy to oblige. They went with a lifestyle shoot as part of the package and it was such a good idea as I got to meet the whole family and they got use to working it for the...
I recently had the pleasure of working with Samantha Frost in Sydney, a beautiful woman who held the Miss Australia title. It was a late notice shoot (I found out about it the day before!) and I really wanted to make the most of it and the Sydney surrounds so I went out scouting and...
A little while ago I had the awesome pleasure of doing a shoot with the wonderful Miss Kita, a singer songwriter from Australia. She is in the process of recording her latest EP and wanted to do something a little different for the cover art. We set up a few different scenes in and around...
Since word-of-mouth is in my experience the best form of marketing and this blog is all about me Me ME! I thought I might let you know of all the ways that you can follow my work. I have a few presences on the web, and whilst this blog is the most regularly updated I...
We are offering a Performer’s Headshot package at the moment which includes: 2hr Studio or location based shoot Hair & make-up 3 changes DVD of final images Image Retouching Girls – From $350 Guys – From $280 DIY Hair/make-up – $200 Discounts for groups of 3 and over. Prices include GST. Call (NZ: 04 972...
Avoca Beach, on the Central Coast of NSW Australia, is where I grew up pretty much. I was a Nipper there for a few years, which rather than priming me for my future as an Iron Man really just gave me a distaste for sand and speedo’s. It’s a beautiful area and thankfully Bonnie and...